Black Ferns

The Black Ferns must be nervous or exited the game will happen Saturday the 29th of October. I hope the rugby game goes well for the Black Ferns. But I know if they try they can achieve their goal of winning the game. Sylvia Brunt is the youngest rugby player in the Black Ferns team. Hopefully they win like the other games like the Australia game which  was a (41-17) and like the Wales game that was (56-12) and the game against Scotland that was a 57 NILL LIKE HOW CRAZY IS THAT. We even made a letter I will put the photo on and the cool mascot they sent us his name is Rugger. Later Bloggers!



My Summit Point Academy Blog

Last week I went to my summit school and we made bridges with straws and some ice cream containers. Then we put on some weights and my friend peeked in the bag and saw fruit bursts! Yes I love them and we were excited but nervous to see if our bridge would hold. Weight number 1 – easy! Weight number 2… i didn’t know if it could hold… boooof! It broke! Nooooo, well at least they tried but that’s not all folks.

We still had more contestents to come. Team 2, let’s just say well they’re not gonna be builders when they’re older. First weight – BOOOOF! Yeah I could see that one coming.

Last but not least team three… weight 1 –  ok. Weight 2 – CLACK as the wood shrivled up. Oh well the clear winners were me, Tyler and Nickora.

So that was my amzing week at my other school.

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